"C'est par le travail que la femme a en grande partie franchi la distance qui la séparait du mâle ; c'est le travail qui peut seul lui garantir une liberté concrète".
Simone de Beauvoir, le Deuxième Sexe, 1949

Isabelle L. Salle, PhD
I am a Principal Researcher at the Bank of Canada, in the Financial Markets Department and a research fellow at the University of Amsterdam (School of Economics).
Here you can find information about my profile and download my various research and teaching resources, including my publications, the latest versions of my working papers and the corresponding codes and computer programs.
Researcher in Behavioral Macroeconomics
Discussant at the Carnegie-Rochester-NYU Public Policy Conference on "Central Banking in the 2020s - and Beyond", April 2021.
Link to the CEPR-VoX interview about consumption changes amid the COVID crisis

« C'est par le travail que la femme a en grande partie franchi la distance qui la séparait du mâle ; c'est le travail qui peut seul lui garantir une liberté concrète.»,
Simone de Beauvoir, le Deuxième Sexe, 1949
Isabelle L. Salle, PhD
Researcher in Behavioral Macroeconomics

I am Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) and Professor of Behavioral Macroeconomics at the University of Ottawa (Department of Economics). I am also a research fellow at the University of Amsterdam (School of Economics) and at the C.D. Howe institute, and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination and of the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Here you can find information about my profile, my research, including my publications, the latest versions of my working papers and the corresponding codes and computer programs.
New working paper on recent inflation expectation dynamics in Canada.
New publication in the European Economic Review on forecast revision and news in the lab.
New working paper on inflation scare and the recent soft landing in the US.
New publication in the JEDC on a general solution method for heterogeneous-expectation New Keynesian (HENK) models and a Dynare toolbox! Please cite if you use it :-)​​​
Vox Column of my latest working paper on inflation lifetime memories. ​​​​​
New working paper out: Lifetime Memories of Inflation: Evidence from Surveys and the Lab.​​
Feel free to contact me using the form below or one of the email adresses below.